Promotional Products
Colour fill white or self colour PVC Colours
LN8165 Shiny PVC Passport Wallet • PVC wallet holds passport and travel documents. • Choice of screen print, debossed colour fill white, debossed self colour. Colours: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White, Black. Minimum Quantity: 500 units. Item Size: 100mmL x 138mmH. Debossing: 75mmL x 110mmH, optional White colour fill. Screen Print: 75mmL x 110mmH.
LN8159 Shiny PVC Credit Card Wallet • PVC credit card wallet, with 10 double sided clear PVC pockets and 2 x single sided pockets. • Holds 12 cards. • Choice of screen print, debossed colour fill white, debossed self colour. Colours: Blue, Green, Red, Yellow, White, Black. Minimum Quantity: 500 units. Item Size: 70mmL x 100mmH. Debossing: 55mmL x 80mmH, optional White colour fill. Screen Print: 55mmL x 80mmH.
O R D E R 1 0 0 0 i t e m s F R O M X p r e s s F R E E C E R A M I C K N I V E S
O R D E R 1 0 0 0 i t e m s F R O M X p r e s s F R E E C E R A M I C K N I V E S
D E S P A T C H A I R - 4 W E E K
D E S P A T C H A I R - 4 W E E K
Made toorder inAsia&USA
Made toorder inAsia&USA
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